Monday, 24 February 2014

A few facts about the upcoming Analyst book

Land of Unbelief is underway and should be out late this year, assuming there are no major roadblocks. Here’s what I feel comfortable sharing at the moment.
  1. This book will be written so that new readers can jump straight in.
  2. Several characters from the previous books will appear.
  3. Like in Dead Roots, the antagonist of Land of Unbeliefwill be tied to Tom’s past.
  4. Something drastic will happen to Artie.
  5. Volumes 2 and 3 did not give enough attention to the use of chems and medications. This one will.
  6. I will continue my commitment to writing new LGBT and PoC characters. One of the existing characters will come out.
  7. For at least me personally, this will be the most emotionally painful volume to date.
Finally, I’m planning a one-off comic that will lead in to the new book and introduce some of Tom’s new coworkers at the DPSD; it will be drawn by paracoma.
That’s about it for now. More info in the coming months!

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