Wednesday, 6 June 2012


Like always, the second you get something is when you don't want it anymore:

Thanks for your query. Mind sending along the first five pages of your manuscript in the body of an e-mail? I'd be happy to take a look and let you know whether the style is the best fit for me.



From Andrea Somberg of Harvey Klinger, Inc. She seems to have a focus on young adult horror/fantasy fiction and women's interest, so whether she'll want to take me on is really yet to be seen. However, this tidbit from her blurb on Harvey Klinger's site caught my eye:

Previously an agent at the Donald Maass Agency and Vigliano Associates, she joined Harvey Klinger Inc. in the spring of 2005. Her client list is quite full, however she is always actively looking to take on new authors who write in the following categories: Fiction; literary, commercial, womens fiction, romance, thrillers, mystery, paranormal, fantasy, science fiction, young adult, middle grade. Nonfiction: memoir, narrative, popular science, pop-culture, humor, how-to, parenting, self-help, lifestyle, travel, interior design, crafts, cookbooks, health & fitness, business, and sports.

This is the result of submitting a form query to HK with a very truncated synopsis, and the affirmation that it was a dark, adult horror novel; so evidently something has interested Ms. Somberg enough to want to break out of her comfort zone and full schedule, to read five pages from a total unknown. I feel like that means either it's a really good chance of getting picked up on its own merits, or that she just won't be a good fit. Hopefully in the latter case she can refer me to somebody more suitable.

Updates as I get them.

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